
The Purpose of Vanity URLs + How to Use Them in MedEd Manager

MedEd Manager recently released an update that allows you to easily incorporate vanity URLs into your marketing strategy and even track the performance through Google Analytics. You may have heard the term "vanity URL" but haven't a clue what they can do for your CME marketing efforts or why you'd need one. That's OK! Read on to learn why and how to use vanity URLs within MedEd Manager.

What is a vanity URL?

In short, a vanity URL is a shortened version of a longer, more complex link. A vanity URL is optimally descriptive and lets the user know exactly where it will take them.

Why should I use vanity URLs?

Vanity URLs are used to make links in social media, emails, and print materials more appealing to visit. For instance, if you were to ask recipients of your postcard to visit


they probably wouldn't take the time to type that into the address bar. Plus, it isn't attractive to include in printed marketing materials and it's not totally clear where it will go if typed in. Instead, if a link must be written out, use a vanity URL, such as the following:


This URL is descriptive and easy to type into the address bar. Moreover, because you're already paying for the MedEd Manager software, it's free to create a branded vanity URL. This means, instead of using a generic link shortener like bit.ly, you can make a custom URL with your brand's name at the beginning.

More good news: MedEd Manager has made it possible to track the traffic to your vanity URL via Google Analytics!

How do I make a vanity URL in MedEd Manager?

Follow these steps to make a vanity URL in MedEd Manager:

1. Log in to your MedEd Manager account. Click the gear icon on the upper right side.

2. Choose Marketing Settings. Then, choose Vanity URLs on the right side.





3. Type in what you wish your vanity (short) URL to be in the field indicated Vanity URL. Paste the original (long) URL in the Redirect To field.



4. Click Create URL. Your existing vanity URLs will be accessible under the Vanity URLs tab.

MedEd Manager then creates a tracking URL so it's easy for you to see how your link is performing within Google Analytics.

What are vanity URL best practices?

Before creating your first vanity URL campaign, get to know the following best practices.

1. Only use vanity URLs when necessary.

Not every link you share needs to be a vanity URL. The purpose of these links are to track sources of traffic and to make it easy for people to read and/or type into their browser. Also, by using the vanity URL tool in MedEd Manager, your link will be branded with your domain. This gives your brand more credit and makes the link more trustworthy.

2. Be clear and concise.

Obviously you want your vanity URL to be short, but it should also describe where the user will be taken once clicked. The URL should clearly describe the type of content that can be accessed through the link.

3. Vanity URLs should coincide with your SEO strategy.

The terms you use in your vanity URL should complement the SEO strategy of that particular piece of content.

Need help with vanity URLs?

The MedEd Manager team hopes you found this article helpful. If you still have questions or concerns about the vanity URL feature in the MedEd Manager tool, do not hesitate to contact us.